6 hours, 58 minutes Beginner Get it free “La Edad de Oro” The Golden Age A collection of short children’s stories written by the amazing Cuban writer José Martí. 16 minutes Beginner Get it free Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills Spanish Short Stories Gain a greater vocabulary that you can use immediately, every day. 47 minutes Beginner Get it free “Poemas de Amor” Love Poems 12 short poems by Rubén Darío, a well-known and highly-regarded Nicaraguan poet, and others. 27 minutes Beginner Get it free Aladino y la lámpara maravillosa Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp A well-known story to start off beginning students with easy language comprehension practice. 12 minutes Beginner Get it free Caperucita Roja Little Red Riding Hood A classic children’s fairy tale that is a phenomenal way for beginning students practice language comprehension.

Image Spanish Title English Title Description Duration Difficulty Link “Los tres cerditos" The Three Little Pigs A basic children’s story that is a great way for novice students to begin practicing their comprehension skills. What is the best audio book for learning Spanish? We review the best Spanish audiobooks for beginner Spanish language learners. So what are the best free Spanish audiobooks for beginners? If you’re finding it difficult to follow along, start with a book that you’ve read before in English, then move on to something new. We promise that if you pick one appropriate to your skill level, you will have fun, and learn a lot while reading it. We picked these Spanish audiobooks because they’re practical but also fun.
If you are thinking about learning Spanish for the first time, or you are just wanting a little bit of extra practice… I highly encourage you to check out this list of the best Spanish audiobooks (best of all, you can get them for free with an Audible trial). To me, it barely even feels like practice – it’s just fun. If you don’t practice for a while, you do get rusty so I like to keep it up. Nowadays, I even listen to Spanish audiobooks when I’m doing dishes or going for a long drive, just to brush up on my skills.
It’s the next best thing to a full immersion study abroad program.
You will learn how to speak and really understand Spanish. You will hear conversations, descriptions, thoughts, and feelings. You will never hear a weird sentence like that in a real Spanish audiobook. That way, she could hear real Spanish spoken in a real-world context. I immediately told her that she needed to listen to some Spanish-language audiobooks. Some Spanish language learning apps can be great, but not when they’re teaching you impertinent trash like that. Not only was this a completely useless sentence for her to be learning how to say in Spanish… I’m not even sure that’s scientifically accurate! I will never forget the first sentence I heard them ask her to repeat: “Las tortugas beben leche.” The turtles drink milk. She was embarrassed, but I asked if I could watch for a few minutes. One day, I walked in on her listening to a Spanish audio lesson. I had previously learned in Spain, so it came easy for me, and it had stuck with me for a long time. And I booked all of the activities and spoke with the staff. When we went on vacation in Mexico, I ordered everything that we ate in Spanish. My wife always envied me for knowing two languages.